Friday, January 11, 2008

My wonderful holiday at Mallacoota.

Last Saturday morning, after my breakfast we began our journey to Mallacoota. Mummy & Daddy packed all our bags and the boat and made sure I had plenty of toys and books to occupy me in the car. Mallacoota is on the east coast of Victoria just before you reach the boarder of NSW. My mummy has been to Mallacoota twice; once when she was a little girl and the second time with Daddy, just after they got married. They said I would enjoy it very much.
I was very good in the car. I had my morning nap and my afternoon nap in the car and we stopped a couple of times to change my nappy and to have lunch. We stopped at Lakes Entrance for lunch and I had a little run around on the grass. I even got to watch my favourite program in the car!! I watched Hi-5 on my Daddy's laptop!! And before I knew it we arrived at Mallacoota - about 8 hours later!! Mummy & Daddy were very impressed on how patient I was in the car... I think it was becuase my Mummy was so organised with all my favourite toys and things I like to play with that made my journey a happy one!!
We stayed in a very nice apartment called Lakeside at Mallacoota. I had my own bedroom and lots of room to play - inside and outside.
My Kau Foo and Kau Moe were travelling back down the coast from Batemans Bay and they stopped in Mallacoota and stayed for a night with us. They went out fishing with Daddy in the evening.

Roaming the grounds outside the holiday house.


Daddy went fishing LOTS!! and he caught LOTS of fish!! He would sneak out at 4 o'clock in the morning and take the boat out into the estuaries and he would come back just in time for breakfast with BIG fish!! Daddy caught mainly Bream and Flathead. He did catch a Stingray, baby Snapper - which he had to throw back into the sea as they were too small and some Taylor.
This one is a flathead!!

The top two are Bream...

...and another Flathead.


We went to the front beach for a little play. It was a bit windy that day, we didn't stay long.

Daddy in the background pumping the sand for Bass Yabbies - live bait for catching fish!!

Me, digging for gold!!??


My first visit to Betka family beach. My mummy came here to play when she was little too, she said that she remembered seeing lots of little fish swimming in water.
Someone dug a hole in the sand and I loved playing in it!!
A true beach bum!


My Por Por & Goong Goong spent a couple of nights with us .Daddy took all of us out on the boat for a scenic tour around Mallacoota's inlets. We saw lots of other people out on their boats fishing.I liked to watch Daddy drive the boat as it makes a great noise and makes the water go all white and frothy!! I nearly fell asleep on the boat as I found it strangely calming!?

Helping my Goong Goong cook one of the fish he caught whilst out on the boat with my Daddy one afternoon.


My second visit to Betka beach.
Daddy, Mummy & I swam through the channel that led out to the surf beach. It had a very gentle current we could float along with. The tide was out so it was very shallow, I could even touch the ground in some spots. Lots of kids were on there boogieboards or dingys and floated down the channel - I liked to watch them. Daddy said he should have brought his surfboard (which he left back at the holiday house) so I could have a ride like the other kids, oh well, there is always next time!!


At last I got to play in my pool!! Mummy & Daddy set it up just outside the holiday house.

In Daddy's bucket.


Eating watermelon .

Daddy helping me pack my bags to go home.

Outside the apartment we stayed at. All packed and ready for the journey home.

One the way home we stopped in Bairnsdale and we had McDonald's - my first time ever!! I didn't like the food much, I just played with it and kept putting it back in the box it came in!! I preferred to eat the lunch Mummy packed me instead. Mummy says that I should take the food back and tell them it was rubbish!!

Mummy, Daddy & I thoroughly enjoyed our holiday, we could have stayed for another week!! Mallacoota was definately a fun place to go. I am definately returning to Mallacoota again!! There is a Secret beach that I would like to check out next time - apparently it has a cave!!...

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