Thursday, June 10, 2010

Having fun at my Daddy's exhibition night.

Anni and I dancing amongst the crowd.

...don't need to say anything more...
(Julian Burnside was making a speech)

Master Chef.

I love to cut up my wooden food with my wooden knife.
The cardigan was knitted by my Por Por. I insist it was for me before handing it down to my younger siblings! I am only allowed to wear it at home!! So I wear it nearly everyday!!!

Making faces in the bath.


Being Crafty.

Sorry, we haven't posted anything for a long time. We have been busy making things at home though. I am very interested in art n craft making at the moment. Mummy took Ollie and I to an art shop one day and we nearly bought out the entire shop!! No, not really, but we did get a lot of interesting stuff to make crafty things with. Mummy bought me a huge craft box to put all my craft materials in.

Ollie and I made a 'Pet rock' each. I call my rock, Mr Rock. Mummy sewed a bed and a blanket for our pet rocks.

I made lots of masks, one for everyone in our family! I have pom-poms on mine, I gave Ollie's mask coloured paddle pop sticks (because he loves his paddle pop ice-creams).

And me helping with the washing up one day.

I even made Sunflowers! With the help of Daddy! He had to nail all the paddle pop sticks I decorated to the sticks.
I have also been making bracelets out of beads, pom pom aliens, playing with playdough and doing lots of cutting a pasting things too.
And by the way, I do have other clothes a part from my PJs!! But I do wear my PJs all day some days of the week! Just like Mummy does!! We don't get out much!! :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A day with Daddy at his Studio

Last Friday, Daddy took me to work with him. We took the train into the city. Daddy set up some paints and some paper for me to paint. Here I am painting with Omi and Hanah. Their Daddy is also an artist and has a studio space here too. Daddy took me out to lunch too. I had lots and lots of fun.

I fell asleep on our train trip home!

Having fun!

One cold weekend, Daddy took Ollie and I to Bunnings and he bought us both a torch each! We love torches! I have a blue one and Ollie has a green one. Ollie and I love turning on our torches inside our tent. Mummy puts blankets over the top of it and over the opening to make it dark so we can shine our torches inside!

Amazin' Things - Philip Island

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Riding on the Eltham Miniature Trains.

My whole family on the little trains! Isobel is hiding behind my head!

Pony ride.

On SundayI had my first ride on a pony at the Eltham Miniature train park. My pony's name was 'Stevie' and he was black!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Julia's 4th Birthday Party.

Julia is the one holding the box on the right hand side, and that's her mum Nicole behind me and her Nan on the opposite side of her.

News Years Day...

I fell asleep in my high chair over my dinner after a huge News Years Day BBQ at the Murray's - my Yee Jong's parents place.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Boxing Day Lunch.

My Por Por roasted an awesome Turkey for Christmas this year! It tasted so delicous!

Christmas Dinner at Nanna's place.

Opening presents with Aunty Amanda and Anni.
My brother, sister and I all got huge bags full of toys, lollies, books, swimming gear, and cookies from Nanna! We are so spoilt!

Christmas at Nanna'

My Quarry Set.

Mummy & Daddy got me a quarry set for Christmas. It has boulders that I can pick up with the crane, and trucks to load them onto and drive around on the roads!

It has a conveyor belt to take the boulders up to the top and when I press the button, the boulders fall out and down into the trucks down below!