Thursday, August 28, 2008

At Great Grandad's.

Today I spent half the day with Nanna while Mummy had a massage. She took me to the park and we had morning tea together. Then we went to visit Great Grandad and bought some lunch for everyone to have.
This morning when I got dressed Daddy says I looked like a nerdy school boy in this outfit! Do I? Mummy thinks I look smart. Nanna bought the blue vest for me. So I thought I should show it off. Great Grandad lives in the best place because he has the trains run right passed his lounge room window! I can hear them a mile a way and run up to the window to catch a glimpse of the trains that go by!
Great Grandad had a new digital flat screen TV delivered today too. He is showing me the remote control and is asking me how to use it - because I know how to use one!
Watching the TV installer man install Great Grandad's new TV. It has Tele-text which is perfect for Great Grandad because he is deaf and uses a hearing aid.

Packing time!

I am helping Mummy pack her bag for when she goes into hospital soon. I am also helping Mummy pack nappies and clothes for my new baby brother or sister too.
Me modelling one of my newborn outfits that I surprisingly used to fit into. Look at how tiny I was back then!
I like to lift up Mummy's top and pat her big round tummy and say 'baby'. I give the baby a kiss and a hug too! It's going to be here very soon! Mummy & Daddy are very worried that the baby will arrive before our house renovations are finished - It's taken a lot longer than what was planned. They are hoping that the baby doesn't do what I did; - arrive 2 and half weeks early!

Toys from the Toy Library.

On Tuesday, Mummy & I were on Toy Library duty. That means we have to be there to help set up, pack up and count toys when people come to return their borrowed toys.

This week I borrowed this great rocking whale which can ride 2 people on it. I like to ask people to ride on the back of the whale with me. I also borrowed a box full of magnetic balls and rods. They are fun to put together and take apart.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Some very special photos of me.

One of the earliest photos of me - Daddy has a tear in his eye... he was very, very happy to meet me for the first time.

A happy chubby me with Mummy. I think I am about 3 or 4 months old!

Me in my Mountain Buggy in Fremantle, Perth WA - at just 6 months old!
Posing for the camera and showing off my cot at Por Por & Goong Goong's place!

Por Por says that I look just like my Mummy when she was a baby. She has a photos of Mummy looking like this one of me playing with the toy apple.

Por Por & me, looks like my top front teeth have just appeared!

Lounging in my Por Por & Goong Goong's hammock.

On holidays in Mallacoota earlier this year.
Mummy found all these special photos on my Por Por & Goong Goong's camera and she thought it would be nice to share them with everyone!
Mummy & Daddy can't believe I am going to turn 2 soon!

Riding the Wiggles boat.

Riding Thomas the Tank Engine.

A few weeks ago, my Goong Goong & Por Por took me to a shopping centre. Thomas the Tank Engine was there and I had a ride! I got a special Thomas the Tank Engine ticket that I kept looking at and a Thomas stamp on my hand.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Abstract Expressionist

Addicted to Fishing!

My obsession is to watch my Daddy's fishing DVDs whilst practicing my casting and reeling in the fish. My Goong Goong let me use one of his old fishing rods to play with. I even have a fishing rod at my Grandad & Granny's place for when I go there to play.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wednesdays with Grandad & Gran.

Every Wednesday Mummy drives me to Grandad & Gran's place in Mitcham so I can spend the day with them & my cousin Annie. At the end of the day, my Daddy comes and picks me up on his way home from work.
Here are some photos that my Grandad took of us! I have lots and lots of fun! I love to play with Annie too! We like to copy each other and I have taught her how to say 'O-oh'!

Last Wednesday Gran & Grandad took us on the train into the city!

Gran is smart, she has a twin stroller for us - she's pretty clever to look after two toddlers at the same time!