One of the earliest photos of me - Daddy has a tear in his eye... he was very, very happy to meet me for the first time.

A happy chubby me with Mummy. I think I am about 3 or 4 months old!

Me in my Mountain Buggy in Fremantle, Perth WA - at just 6 months old!

Posing for the camera and showing off my cot at Por Por & Goong Goong's place!

Por Por says that I look just like my Mummy when she was a baby. She has a photos of Mummy looking like this one of me playing with the toy apple.

Por Por & me, looks like my top front teeth have just appeared!

Lounging in my Por Por & Goong Goong's hammock.

On holidays in Mallacoota earlier this year.

Mummy found all these special photos on my Por Por & Goong Goong's camera and she thought it would be nice to share them with everyone!
Mummy & Daddy can't believe I am going to turn 2 soon!
1 comment:
What a beautiful picture of Mike and Morri.... brought a tear to my eye!
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