Mummy, Daddy & I take regular walks to Blockbuster video to hire DVDs - we practically live there!!
On this particular day, we took a long walk around the walking tracks after stopping by at the video store and guess who's car we spotted on the side of the road!!?? My Uncle Jon & Aunty Bek's car!! They park their car next to the Eltham train station every weekday as they both catch the train into the city to get to work. So what did my parents do? Well, as you can see from the evidence above, they decided to 'decorate' their car with 'junk' and big flowers they found by the side of the road! Aren't they naughty!!
Mummy told me that she used to 'decorate' Daddy's red panel van with flowers when they were dating. Mummy would drive by Daddy's car while he was at work and put flowers on his windscreen!!