Friday, July 6, 2007

Standing up.

I like to stand up. I like to follow Mummy around the house. I like to help her with the laundry...

...and with the vacuuming...I love the vacuum cleaner - Mummy keeps hiding it from me, but I know where to find it. I like to try and sneak off and play with the vacuum cleaner, although I can't seem to get it to make that loud noise, the way mummy can. I know where the cord is and I know how to push the button so it turns on, (I know this becuase whenever Mummy is doing the vacuuming I always seem to turn it off for her, but then she turns it back on again, so I turn it off again, and then Mummy tells me to stop it!) but I haven't figured out how to plug it in yet!!... That's my next challenge!! (Mummy says: U-Oh not if I can help it!!)

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