Monday, July 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Goong Goong!!

It's my Goong Goong's birthday today, last night I went over to my Goong Goong & Por Por's place to celebrate. I brought over my Goong Goong's favourite sweet - the famous Beesting Bun from the very famous Beechworth Bakery!! Only we didn't go to Beechworth to get it. Mummy, Daddy & I discovered a Beechworth Bakery in Healsville!! My Goong Goong and Por Por were very pleased to hear that. Now they don't have to make special trips to Beechworth when they have sudden cravings for Beesting buns or Pies!!
We celebrated Mummy's birthday too. She said she is turning 25 again!!??... Her birthday is a day after my Goong Goongs. My Ah Yee (Aunty Ivy) is making Yee Joong's (Uncle Joel) famous chocolate cake!! I was very puzzled by the noise she was making.

My Goong Goong & Por Por's house has lots of steps so I can practise my climbing. I had lots of strong men around me to catch me if I fell!!
I also saw my Uncle Adam, my Kau Foo's best friend, whom I haven't seen in a while. He thought I was a very good looking kid!

Day trip.

Mummy, Daddy & I had lunch at a very cool brewery called Giant Steps in Healsville. We had pizza for lunch. I loved the buffalo mozzarella cheese! I had some water too - I was practicing my bubble-blowing in the glass; like what I do when I go swimming!

Then afterwards, we went to the Tarrawarra Art Museum. Mummy & Daddy like to take me to see lots of art!! I enjoyed hearing my own voice in the museum becuase the space was so big it made my voice echo! I just kept getting louder and louder!!

Daddy really liked the architecture of the museum.

Mummy really liked the view overlooking the Yarra Valley vineyards.
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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Back swimming again!!

Don't I look cute in my Winnie the Pooh towel!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

My Goong Goong.

My Goong Goong and Por Por went to Malaysia for a holiday. They came back with lots of clothes for me! This afternoon they came for a visit. I am watching Hi-5 with my Goong Goong. I love to watch Hi-5, I get all excited when they sing and dance, Mummy does too!! She dances and sings all around the house!!
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I took Mummy out on a lunch date!

I took mummy to Ikea - we had lunch together there. They have lots of fun things for babies and kids to do and play there, as well as lots of shopping!!

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I like to stand up!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Helping Mummy!

Today, I helped mum do the grocery shopping.I enjoy sitting in the trolley. I like to smile at all the other shoppers, I usually get a smile back from them too!! I got a new cup for being so good!

I like to help mum unpack the shopping!!

I think I will start with the apples, seeing as I love stewed apples with my cereal for breakfast!

Here's one mummy!!

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Down goes the ball!!

Mummy & I joined the Eltham Toy Library. There are lots of toys for me to borrow. I borrowed this Fisher Price toy. I liked it because I can stand up with it, pick up the balls, drop them from the hole at the top, watch it go down the spiral and then watch them come out from the bottom!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Pixar Exhibition

My Mummy & Daddy took me to see the Pixar Exhibition at the ACMI (Australian Centre of the Moving Image) at Federation Square. I saw drawings, sketches, models, digital drawings and all the behind the scenes of my favourite animations; like Toy Story, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles, Cars and Finding Nemo. I loved the Toy Story Zoetrope display. I went inside a dark room and inside were the still models of the characters from Toy Story on a rotating table. It spun really fast and I couldn't see the characters anymore - it was all a blur. Then the next minute the lights turned off and a strobe light went on... and the characters came to life - I could see the characters jumping and moving!! It was amazing!! Mummy & Daddy said I could only watch it for a little while, they didn't want me to have a seizure!!

Daddy & I in the elevator going down to see the exhibtion!! I liked looking at the TV screens in the elevators - they even talked!

Some happy snaps with Mummy & I, with Scully and Mike from Monsters, Inc. They made me laugh!!

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Asleep in the car!

On the way home from the Pixar exhibition I was exhausted. I fell asleep straight away!

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My red PJs!

My Grannie bought me this very cute pair of pajamas.
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My new jumper!

Like my new jumper? My Por Por knitted it for me!! It's nice and warm.
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I love my Daddy!!

I like it when my Daddy is on holidays, I get to spend lots of time with him!!

Here we are just hanging out in my room.

I also get to help Daddy with his paintings!! Daddy is teaching me how to stretch a canvas.

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Standing up.

I like to stand up. I like to follow Mummy around the house. I like to help her with the laundry...

...and with the vacuuming...I love the vacuum cleaner - Mummy keeps hiding it from me, but I know where to find it. I like to try and sneak off and play with the vacuum cleaner, although I can't seem to get it to make that loud noise, the way mummy can. I know where the cord is and I know how to push the button so it turns on, (I know this becuase whenever Mummy is doing the vacuuming I always seem to turn it off for her, but then she turns it back on again, so I turn it off again, and then Mummy tells me to stop it!) but I haven't figured out how to plug it in yet!!... That's my next challenge!! (Mummy says: U-Oh not if I can help it!!)

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Playing chasey

My day with Grandad & Grannie.

One Saturday I got to hang out with my Grandad & Grannie for the day all by myself!! I didn't miss Mummy and Daddy at all!! My Mummy had to work and my Daddy had a sculpture workshop to go to. I had lots of fun! Grandad and Grannie took me shopping, then I had lunch at their place and afterwards they took me for a walk and a play at the park!! Thank you Grandad & Grannie for taking care of me for the day!!

My Grandad took these videos - he has lots of cameras, he likes to take photos of me just like Mummy does!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

At the NGV.

We had a family outting to the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria). We went to see the Guggenheim Collection: 1940's to Now exhibition. The exhibition had lots of modern art. My favourite art piece was the table with lots of real human and animal teeth on it!! I wanted to pick them up! Mummy told me that it wasn't a good idea!

We had lunch at the cafe, I had a chicken sandwich, some mashed sweet potato and broccoli and some yoghurt! I have a good appetite!

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Feeding the Ducks!

My Daddy is on holidays and yesterday I took him to the park to feed the ducks!! I love watching the ducks swim about in the pond. They make me laugh when they quack!

The ducks liked the bread we bought from home, I liked it too!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

At the Eltham Pub Hotel.

Today is my Kau Fu's (Uncle Jon) birthday and today I am now 9 months old can you believe it! Only 3 more months until I turn 1!! Yesterday we celebrated my Kau Fu's birthday at the Eltham Pub Hotel. My Dad and I took a walk there - it's very close to my home! Mum couldn't come becuase she was working - so I ate her share of her lunch!! I had a potato chip, a bit of vegies and some of my Por Por's drink - I really liked it becuase it was fizzy!!
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