On Sunday, I took a trip down to Williamstown. I went with Mummy, Daddy, Ollie, my Ah Yee, Por Por & Goong Goong.
We then went into Williamstown to have some lunch. We went to a seafood restaurant called 'Hobsons', the owner was a very friendly German man who told us lots of stories about himself. He had hung photos of him catching big sharks and scuba-diving for Abalone on the walls. He told us that he rode (on his bike) from Germany to Australia in a year! I had fish & chips, apple juice, ice-cream with chocolate topping and a baby-chino for lunch!
There was alot happening at Williamstown that day, they had a school fete with lots of rides, and a craft market by the shore. But all I wanted to do was go fishing. So off we went again after lunch to another fishing spot to do more fishing!
...and another tug boat behind! They were heading towards the Westgate bridge on there way to the docklands! We were guessing the ship had come from China as it had 'China' written on the containers. My Goong Goong said thats where all our soya sauce comes from!! What was even funnier was that at the back of the ship a door on a container ship was wide open and my Goong Goong said that whoevers belongings were in that container would be very upset to find out that there things had fallen out at sea!
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