Looks can be deceiving...

I am just testing my boundaries at the moment, to see what I can get away with, like;
- climbing up onto glass coffee tables,
- not letting my Mummy change my nappies, I make it soooooo hard for her to put them on sometimes, no matter what she gives me to play with to distract me - I just giggle when she tells me off for sitting up, kicking my legs about or squirming free from her!
- trying to get as closely as I can to the fireplace when there is a fire burning eventhough it has been sectioned off and I have been told not to go near there.
- screaming on the top of my lungs to get people's attention or get what I want especially in public,
- I scream when Mummy takes me out places in the stroller - boring, I want to walk/run myself,
- teasing Tessa (my Goong Goong & Por Por's dog) to see if she will bite me - she hates me, I know this becuase she always growls at me when I come near her, but I think its funny so I tease her more!
- at the dinner table, I sometimes like to see peoples reaction when I start to mash my food up in my hands, smear it all over my table, deliberately drop it on the floor - slowly so everyone sees, tip my drink upside down, make musical instruments out of my cutlery, interupt while others are having a conversation by screaming, or sneak food to the dogs when I have been told not too!
- If I can't get what I want from my Mummy or Daddy, I will try to get somone else in my family to give it to me - usually it's snacks that I shouldn't be eating right before mealtimes, like biscuits!
- Sometimes if Mummy or Daddy can't take me for walks with Tessa or Tricky the dogs, I beg my Por Por, Goong Goong, Ah Yee (Aunty Ivy) or Yee Jong (Uncle Joel) to take me. I bring them their hats and the Dog leads and whine at them!
- Sometimes after my nap during the day, I wake up really, really grumpy. I don't want to play with anyone except sit on my Mummy's lap and watch my favourite DVD which I get to choose. (Poor Mummy has to watch Toy Story for the millionth time!)
- I have days where I let my true colours show and I am definately not a nice person to be around then! Usually its Mummy who has to put up with my fussiness and temper tantrums! I have been known to throw myself on the floor, kicking and screaming! But I don't seem to get anything from throwing these tantrums though??... Its as if Mummy doesn't even notice?...
- I SCREAM when I see something I like, such as an aeroplane flying by, a train, a tram, a truck, or if I spot any kind of Wiggles, Thomas & Friends, Hi-5, Sesame Street or Play School merchandise, and I have to have it! I have only a very limited vocabulary at the moment and the only way I can express myself is by screaming!
But at the end of every day I am growing up so fast...
I am discovering new and exciting things all the time...
and I am learning about the world I live in and the people in it too!
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