Thursday, June 10, 2010

Having fun at my Daddy's exhibition night.

Anni and I dancing amongst the crowd.

...don't need to say anything more...
(Julian Burnside was making a speech)

Master Chef.

I love to cut up my wooden food with my wooden knife.
The cardigan was knitted by my Por Por. I insist it was for me before handing it down to my younger siblings! I am only allowed to wear it at home!! So I wear it nearly everyday!!!

Making faces in the bath.


Being Crafty.

Sorry, we haven't posted anything for a long time. We have been busy making things at home though. I am very interested in art n craft making at the moment. Mummy took Ollie and I to an art shop one day and we nearly bought out the entire shop!! No, not really, but we did get a lot of interesting stuff to make crafty things with. Mummy bought me a huge craft box to put all my craft materials in.

Ollie and I made a 'Pet rock' each. I call my rock, Mr Rock. Mummy sewed a bed and a blanket for our pet rocks.

I made lots of masks, one for everyone in our family! I have pom-poms on mine, I gave Ollie's mask coloured paddle pop sticks (because he loves his paddle pop ice-creams).

And me helping with the washing up one day.

I even made Sunflowers! With the help of Daddy! He had to nail all the paddle pop sticks I decorated to the sticks.
I have also been making bracelets out of beads, pom pom aliens, playing with playdough and doing lots of cutting a pasting things too.
And by the way, I do have other clothes a part from my PJs!! But I do wear my PJs all day some days of the week! Just like Mummy does!! We don't get out much!! :)