Sunday, March 21, 2010

A day with Daddy at his Studio

Last Friday, Daddy took me to work with him. We took the train into the city. Daddy set up some paints and some paper for me to paint. Here I am painting with Omi and Hanah. Their Daddy is also an artist and has a studio space here too. Daddy took me out to lunch too. I had lots and lots of fun.

I fell asleep on our train trip home!

Having fun!

One cold weekend, Daddy took Ollie and I to Bunnings and he bought us both a torch each! We love torches! I have a blue one and Ollie has a green one. Ollie and I love turning on our torches inside our tent. Mummy puts blankets over the top of it and over the opening to make it dark so we can shine our torches inside!

Amazin' Things - Philip Island